Thursday, March 29, 2012
I am selfish. God tells me, but in love. I have this anxiety on my heart because I don't know what to do. I ask Him what to do, then I get angry. Because then I sit in silence for days to listen.
I hear nothing.
Why? Because it's about me. What am I going to do? I don't like this. I want this. I need that. Why are you doing this to me? So yeah, there's silence. I know He's waiting. But I'm not sure how to let go. How to give this summer away.
I'm not going to Seattle.
Zack isn't coming home.
I don't have a job.
Or money.
Or a home.
I literally have nothing.
Except God.
And sometimes I forget that.
Always I forget that.
And now I'm convicted.
But I don't know how to fix it.
Please don't leave me alone.
Please, talk to me.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
You'll come
I read this verse this morning in my devos:
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Alright... I'm on my knees. That stupid phone call that changed my life, my plans, my summer. Now I'm stuck with finding a grunge job, moving somewhere again (with no idea where). So I'm crying again. All the time. And I hate it. I hate that I have to be stressed, and clueless, and have no where to go. I have that bleak summer of absolutely mindless work. Not living with my family who doesn't want me back anyway. My room has already been redone. I have no money for Mexico, or my passport. The money in my wallet is all I have and it isn't expanding. On top of that, God asked me to double my tithe last weekend. Oh yeah, God. Where is He in this? I have no idea. Sure. He's there. I know that well enough now, but where is He? Because I can't find Him. He's supposed to provide, isn't He? As I stumble in the dark abyss of blind walking, I can't find anything worth anything right now. Just as I begin to figure out who I am and what I want, I get the rug pulled out from under me... again. I had options, a whole summer of adventures... in Seattle. But do I get that now? No. I don't mean to sound like a spoiled child... but why is it that I can never get what I want? I mean, I want to work my entire summer for God in this amazing new place, a whole new experience. I wanted it so bad! And did I get it? No... someone else did. Because I'm not worth it? Because I wasn't good enough? I don't have a giant resume. If that's the reason then it's ridiculous. How am I supposed to gain experience if they won't let me try? I am just so sick of not being good enough for anyone or anything. I'm sick of rejection and I am tired of not knowing where the hell my life is going. Right now? I'm alone. I'm on my knees, but I'm alone.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Now What
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Not of the World
Romans 12:2
![]() |
Me (as God wants me) Who the world expects me to be |
All I want
We talked about being God's masterpieces this morning in our Devo's. In that topic we discussed the gifts we've been given and which ones we use to the best we can, as well as those we need to grow in. For me, I see a weakness in my gifts, that maybe I don't have any. Sure. I can talk. I can give advice. Pretty much it. I guess that's a gift. But I am in constant need of "chiseling" to become God's masterpiece. The last question we were asked brought me to tears... And as I type this I am trying not to cry. Who are some people you can lead to Christ with your gifts? My heart had been aching after my family. How can I bring them toward God when they don't want me? I have hit a barrier since moving out. Right now I'm not constantly getting yelled at or shunned for my faith, but instead I'm rejected. I don't get phone calls or hugs. Instead, silence. There is no happiness when I show up at my Dad's. Instead I fear the trip... What rejection will I receive today? Though I don't live there now, it hurts so much more. Rejection. When all I want is for them to know God. I break every time I realize how badly I have failed at showing Him. I'm supposed to be this light and all they see is darkness. How am I supposed to lead them to God when they refuse to talk to me? How am I supposed to lead them toward Christ when I have led them so far astray? I just don't know how I'm supposed to do this... With God all things are possible but I have been trying so desperately for FIVE years for them to understand. And now I have led them do far away that they want no association with me and I can't even say "Jesus" in the house. It hurts. My heart hurts.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
My Girls
After being knocked out for a week with sickness and then piling on my load this week, I feel like I'm going to get sick again. I worked 13 hours nonstop yesterday, either driving or as an intern, or as a babysitter.... or as all three. It was a difficult few days... Yesterday alone I drove for a total of 3.5 hours, 3 hours was with a 7 year old and a 5 year old. Any point that we got in the car, one of them was either yelling or having a meltdown. They're kids, so I have a little grace. The last hour driving was a struggle, but I survived. I had my girls, and that's what was important to me. They missed Mommy, and were terrified to see a crying baby or mommy in the hospital, and I had to be the mean one that kept them away. It broke my heart, but it was also rewarding. I got the bed time cuddles, prayers, and "i love you" mumbled as they fell asleep. And after all the work these last two days, that made it all worth it. I always tell them they are my number two favorite people in the world (my niece being number one, and not being able to pick between the two for 2nd and 3rd). I always say it isn't fair to pick favorites, but with them, it's allowed. They're like my little sisters, and as they grow up, I'll be there for whatever they need. I love special days and can take the fits. I know what they like and how to calm them down. It's work when weeks like this happen, but I know because of this, we're closer. I'd do anything for them, and now we've got another beautiful girl to add to the crazy bunch. I picture the day when Emilynn is older and big enough to ride in the front seat, and Brooklynn and Summerlynn (yeah working on a nickname for this beauty... though it seems to go with the pattern I've accumulated) are in the back seat, singing along to Taylor Swift and heading to Ultimate Yogurt or maybe an after church lunch date. For now, I'll stay in the present, with "Tuh Tuh" and praying that this nickname never fades. Adore Emilynn and I's special handshake, love Brooklynn's and I's special relationship, and watching the Summerlynn grow. I'll pray for patience and growth and guidance for these girls who I love like my sisters and consider to be. I'll enjoy these hard weeks and love when we have special days and eye rolls and silly pretend arguments... Sleeping in the backseat of my car or giggling hysterically for absolutely no reason. I'll remember the trust I've been given with them and cherish every moment I get with them. They're my girls and I love them, no matter what.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
So... I have been basically... for lack of a better word, dying this last week. I spent all last Monday (except for a run... I think) in bed... literally. I spent Tuesday night (after a run in the pouring rain [yes, I was pretty much asking for this sickness]) after work in bed, left work at 1 on Wednesday and slept from 5pm to 9:45 the next morning. I spent my entire Thursday in bed except for class. Worked 2 hours Friday, spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, went out with my small group for 5 hours. Saturday I felt better. I was able to talk which was a very limited possibility all week. My voice was fading but I wasn't stuffed up and my killer sore throat disappeared. I felt great Saturday until about 7pm where my body quit functioning. I bailed on all activity after service and crashed at 10. After both services on Sunday I laid in the sun and on Heidi's couch until class. I stayed up until midnight to watch all of Army Wives (totally worth it) and woke up okay this morning. I feel pretty much healed except my energy... I still can't work out and it's been a week!! And my cough... though I'm told this one will last about 2 weeks. I get bogged down at night and it takes me half an hour in the morning to feel normal but my body has fought through most of it :) it has been a hellish week with this cold or whatever it was, and I really hope I don't get sick again. This is the worst cold I've had in a long time or that I can recall. I am just so glad I'm better JUST in time to have my two favorite girls while their sister is coming into the world :)