Saturday, December 6, 2014

5 Reasons Why It Is Good To Travel Alone

In light of my recent solo trip to London, I thought I'd put something together about all the benefits I discovered about traveling alone!!

1. You can be whoever you want to be.
I stayed in a hostel and met people from all over the world.  I was very clear about what I was doing in life and I took every opportunity (including airport staff) to tell people about Russia.  My main motives in life were still clear, but I could be quiet, loud, a late nighter, early riser, high maintenance, or super chill. I got to share my life goals with people who were genuinely interested in my life story, and I could even share a few secrets.  I felt so free, not having the pressure of people around me that knew me, feeling like they expected me to act a certain way.  I'm a very different person when I travel. 

2. People can't tell you what to do.
I went ALL over the city, whether it was rushed or at my leisure.  I went ice skating for over an hour and met a girl from France.  We talked about life and our countries, and no one was there to rush me off the ice.  I walked a lot.  Miles and miles a day.  No one was there to complain and tell me to take the tube or a bus.  I could be lazy and I could literally do anything I wanted.  I went to Big Ben at least 4 times, obsessing over the architecture.  I saw Wicked, and I didn't have to compromise and miss out on my favorite part of my trip. I spent 6 hours at the Warner Brothers Studio on the Harry Potter tour.  No one rushed me through, and I wasn't the biggest, crazy, psycho, fangirl (like people at home think) especially compared to any one there.

3. You can take that selfie.
Who freaking cares if they laugh.  Take that selfie with the horse guards. Or when you get to stand next to a mummy, be awkward and take the creepy selfie.  Take a selfie because you love your hair, or you love the new hat you got because it was cold.  Take a million photos and walk as slow as you want because no one is there to call you ridiculous. Take.  That.  Selfie.  

4. You can talk in an accent.  No one knows you.
I pick up accents wherever I go.  It's fun, but can also be annoying when someone mocks you and you can't help it.  Within 24 hours of being in London, I was thinking and dreaming in a British accent.  So when I traveled within the city, I let that accent fly.  And no one made fun of me or questioned it! 

5.  You lose your fear.
My biggest lesson on this entire trip. I don't think I quite realized what I was getting myself into when I booked a week long trip by myself in a country that I had never been in. I didn't understand why everyone thought it was big deal. But the excitement I had was QUICKLY shifted once I landed in country.

I got lost when I was trying to find my hostel and I was on the verge of tears when I finally found it. I didn't have a working phone at the time and I hadn't met my roommates for the week.  I went to sleep wishing I was back in the states or in Russia.  I woke up at 5am and began panic texting some mentors in my life and I was even debating moving my flight up.  But, eventually, I got the guts to get up, cross the street, get a sim card, and heavily depend on my phone.  I went on a tour, and the next day I ventured to the outskirts of London--a two and a half hour train ride.  By the next day, I just picked a random place and got on the bus like a local.  I was so comfortable with the transit system by days 3 and 4 that I put headphones in.  Then I decided to just walk EVERYWHERE.  I walked 5 or 6 miles to anywhere I wanted, every single day.  Without fear.  I stayed out after dark, I ventured into my hostel's pub to watch a game of Soccer with one of my roommates, and I even talked with random strangers (okay, worried parents, it isn't like I got in their car or something)!

I was so terrified the first day that I questioned myself. The more you question, the worse you panic.  I let that fear freeze my personality, and I doubted myself.  
I learned so much about myself and my unlimited abilities.  God brought forth comfort that I could only have received from Him. I can't question Him or the courage He has instilled in me!

GUYS, I survived.  And now I want to go EVERYWHERE.  I am even considering a job in Italy next Summer that my cousin mentioned to me last week. And I'm not afraid!  While I am a homebody to the extreme, I now see the unlimited possibilities that I have... if I would just leave my room!  I've learned that it literally just takes the first step.... and then you take another... and then you're in the middle of no where in London and you're not afraid. 

While I would LOVE to travel with anyone (especially my family), I'm obsessed with traveling alone! There are higher risks involved, but what's life without a little risk?

Are you debating, planning, or have already made a trip to a foreign country on your own? Or with a best friend?? I'm looking into other countries in the future, and I'm looking for feedback and suggestions!  I would LOVE to hear your stories, so comment and let me know about all of your adventures!  Thanks for checking out my journey!

I posted a youtube video blog last week if you'd like to check out some videos and pictures!!

xoxo Teresa