So I love my Best Friend. Today is her eighteenth birthday and I am in Kirkland with her and a million of her floor mates. We were talking about our lives and we talked a lot about our friends and how we are doing with our new lives. We have realized who our real friends are in the last 10ish weeks. We both began new journey's within a week of each other and that was the hardest thing to let go: my person. She is who I had for everything. Good. Bad. Terribly Ugly. She knows absolutely everything about me, my family, my life. She knows my pet peeves, my quirks, and sometimes I drive her crazy. But she tolerates me. She loves me through it all. I have one other person in my life that I can say that about. And she is home. But Amy is far away. Sometimes too far away. But she has never left me. I call her in the middle of the night bawling my eyes out. She does the same. (though she is a lot less emotional than me) She has never ever given up on me, and she believes in me. She trusts God's plan for me, even when I don't. And she still finds the time to do her homework and live her own life. We talk every day. I can't remember a day where we haven't talked on the phone, facebooked, skyped, texted, heytelled, or recieved/written a letter. She is the only person who has ever... and i mean ever... kept in contact, or even stayed my friend when they left. And she has stayed my Best Friend. She makes the effort, as well as I, but I feel loved. Every. Day. Because I get a hey. She loves me for me. Judgment free. Every Day. Like God. And she shows me Christ's love. Which I so desperately cling to. And she has no idea how much it helps. Well I guess she will now. I know God gave me her to be my best friend. my sister. my family. She has given me her family. her life. She's adopted me as a sister. And for this, I am Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.
So Amy, Amer, Yams, Amy Jacqueline Kae, Googles, Boo.
Happy Birthday.
I Love You.
Teresa, Resa, Arte, Bing.
Your Best Friend.
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