Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 2011

Yes, post number 4.  Then I have some time off.  I'll leave you all be :)

SO... I decided to, once a month, post about one year ago.  So for January, It's January 2011.  February, February 2011. etc. I'd like to see how things have changed.  And some of it will be brutally honest.  I used Facebook (the new timeline is so helpful!) to kind of figure out where my life was.

January 2011.

I spent new years on a couch house-sitting, alone.

"This year, I won't make a new years resolution. I'll take the old tradition a friend told me about and make a commitment. A commitment to build a stronger relationship with Christ. In order to do that, I commit to being healthy. This way, I can truly build a relationship with the Lord and lean on Him when I struggle."

My first status of 2011. Did I succeed? Not at first.  Definitely not.  I struggled quite a bit.  But I made it through by September.

So let's see.
January 3, 2011, I began my treatment plan on my teeth. I began my first semester as a North Coast Bible Institute student. I made it halfway through all 4 classes before I had to drop two of them.  My life, one year ago, this month, was just beginning to fall apart.  My mother had a friend (man, not my father) come and visit... and thus the divorce process began. I made a few mistakes when "coping" with this situation.  I'll be honest, I had a few too many glasses of wine one night, but the next day, I told myself that would not be how I handled my parents' situation.  Instead I surrounded myself with love and children.  Watching K and D every day was in full swing as my job.  I'd take Emilynn and Brooklyn out (sort of adopted sisters), special days with Em, with a few funny stories.  My favorite quote however, was then, 6 year old Emily. "Rebekah (mom) and Joe (dad) sitting in a tree K-I-S-T-V-E-C."  She never ceases to make me laugh.  My best friends were Amanda and Caleb, we went out every night for Denny's, Sunday after church to Adel's, movie nights (Step Brothers and big bowls of cookies and milk), Homemade Caleb French Toast, and Caleb would fall asleep EVERY where.  I wouldn't take those nights back, ever. I spent a lot of time at the Chocholak's discussing cute boys and watching The Office. I spent a lot of time with my other best friend, Amy (you can have more than one!) where we would have Grey's nights after class on Thursdays and OTH ( I watched all of OTH in a month) conversations with Sundaes.  I began going to the winery for Salsa dancing where I found some boys and learned to dance (more than I already did). I enjoyed my first Dani panini and really fun girl's night with all my favorite friends/mentors.  I was a teacher at Celebration Station for K-5 grade every Monday night.  And I enjoyed a 4 day trip to see my Lindsay Love with Amanda.  I fell in love with Lynnee on this trip :)  I spent every waking moment with the Messner's and Pastor Jack as well :) Details are specific yes, some probably unnecessary, but this was my January 2011.

January 2012

I spent New Years with my neighbor's dancing and playing Rock Band.

"Just found out that I came about an inch from losing a family member due to drinking and driving last night. Please don't drink and drive... the consequences aren't worth it."

My first status this year.  Tragedy for my 20 year old cousin who may get kicked out of the marines for this choice to drink and drive. 

Reflecting back I see so many changes.  My teeth, obviously. My hopeless family situation isn't so hopeless but is no where near okay.  I am moving in with a host family.  My friends are different, yes I am friends with Caleb and Amanda still, but right now Kelsey and Amy are who I spend the most time with and talk with.  Amy was in high school last year and is currently on break and home from school in Washington. A year ago, I was spending a lot of time with Brooke and Em, as well as Kate and D, but with the internship, that time is scarce.  And it sucks. But I see the good it is for me.  I've found hope in the despair and a family. Though this month has been a struggle, it has been nowhere near last year.  I've welcomed break with open arms. At the church, a few new staff have come to be.  Curt and Rachel, worship and my boss ;) as well as friends. Cam, Next Gen assistant and close friend.  And LeeAnn, front office secretary and my small group leader.  It's been a nice change at the church but i miss my kids!!

January 3, 2011 (look at profile pic for teeth now!)

K and D, 1 year ago this month

Emilynn, one year ago

Brooklyn, one year ago

Amanda, One year ago, first day of NCBI

Caleb sleeping at lunch (again)

Best Friend Date, AMy


Pastor Jack

I didn't really have an idea on how this post would be, it isn't how I figured.  I'll get better, I have 11 more! Until February...

1 comment:

  1. that lynnee made it up on your blog but not me :) you are welcome to come for some lindsay love whenever you wish :)
