Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Music has always been the thing that gets to my heart, it's my worship, and half the time it's my prayer.  Music gets to me.  As you'll see....

"Yahweh...Forever and Always the same."
Yahweh- Desperation Band

I've always loved Desperation Bad, but I don't think I have ever fully absorbed their music until I met and had a long conversation with Jared Anderson... A member of the band. He came to Faith Center with the Jared Anderson Band on a tour called "Hear Us From Heaven."  We talked a lot about a church and what it takes to be a leader. Worship is for God. Not for your benefit.  Worship is work if it is about you and not God.  Focusing on God is what gives it the power... the truth.  God will always be the same, always be here, always love.  But if we don't expect that, if we don't expect God to be there, then we are putting Him in a box, making Him different, never the same.  You're preventing Him from using His power, His Glory won't shine if you close Him in.  Let Him out.   Let Him change you. Let Him be the same.

"‘Cause I am a sinner, if its not one thing its another. Caught up in words, Tangled in lies. You are the Savior and you take brokenness aside and make it beautiful. Beautiful."
Brokenness Aside- All Sons & Daughters

God takes it all away.  Sin. Pain. Life. He takes this broken world and fixes it.  He loves. Cares.  Cradles His weeping children!  He makes all things work for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)  Just let Him know... tell Him you need Him.  Be broken, that's allowed, only if you let HIM fix you.  Then it's beautiful

"And the Lord replied in soft spoken word, my child be not afraid.  For I am your God and I care for you. I will always come to your aid."
Job- Huckleberry Flint

God will never leave you nor forsake you.  (Deuteronomy 31:6)  He will always come to your aid... Job, a faithful man of God, was tested beyond anything I have ever read in the Bible.  The song Job tells his story... He lost his job, home, his family... but he never gave in.  Even when his wife said to forget God... he rejected her! God comes first.  Job recognized this, he trusted that God had plans for him... (Jeremiah 29:11) and what did he do?  He praised God!  In our Romans class right now, one of our midterm questions was this.... what is it a sign of when one rejoices in tribulation?  Answer: maturity.  Job was a very mature man, clearly.  His reward? God blessed him for the rest of his life.  If that isn't a sign of God's truth, then I don't know what to say.  Why is it that we, I, can't always trust God in the hard times?  Job did, and he had it much worse than I.  This calls for growth.

"You walk with me through fire, and heal all my disease." 
Healer- Kari Jobe

The next line of that song says "and I trust in You... I will trust in You."  Sometimes... mostly when I listen to this song, or when I sit in silence for too long, I question myself... if God will walk with me through fire, why don't I trust in Him?  I'm on the suck radar when it comes to trust.  Maybe from past experience... however, not with God.  Someone said something the other day about trusting God and it slipped out of my mouth saying, "Well He hasn't failed me yet..."  And even though that's true... why did it take a mindless thought for that to come out?   As soon as I said it out loud I thought to myself, (Thought I'm pretty sure it was God) What took you so long? Why couldn't I believe that on all the nights I've cried myself to sleep?  Why didn't I believe that when I felt like things were falling apart?  God walks with me through fire. Without His protection, I would have burned a long time ago.

"No one else will do. I will take hold of you.  I need you Jesus, to come to my Rescue.  Where else can I go?  There's no other name by which I am saved.  Capture me with grace. I will follow you."
Rescue- Jared Anderson

Just like I said above, I need to just go with it.  Trust Him.  Seriously.  It's getting old, constantly tripping and slipping because I'm too stubborn and prideful to let Him rescue me.

"Saviour, He can move the mountains.  My God is Mighty to Save.... Forever, Author of Salvation, He rose and concurred the grave, Jesus concurred the grave."
Mighty to Save- Hillsong United

Says it all.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you.You know those times when you know God is with you daily and everywhere. For the past week he shows up in a way only I know its him. He does it numerous times a day and I smile and say HEY..haha. This was great to read while Im at work stressing, it took me back to what is important, and real, and who I can go to for anything. This was a total blessing. Thank you for writing this.
