Wednesday, January 9, 2013

When God gives you a chance to say "yes!"

I wrote my personal constitution this year in my spiritual leadership class.  Six pages (could have been longer) of my life calling, life goals, and my values.  One of my values (that I guess could be considered a goal as well) is to persevere.  In detail, I never want to say no to something that I know God has said I should do.  I always said no to missions.  "Heck no," I'd laugh, or people would laugh if I ever brought it up.  "Teresa? In Mexico?"  Yeah.  so you see my hesitation.  Where I regret.  I regret saying no to the past.  But I made it a value to NEVER say no to God again.  Yeah.  Difficult.  Even when I know He has a much better plan than I do.  Figures, as soon as I make this a value God says to do something absolutely insane.  Go to Russia.  It took three days before it hit me that I was going.  I knew as soon as it was suggested to me that I was going.... but it took three days for me to be like.... okay.... Uhm, sure?  And now, weeks later, I am reading as fast as I can, filling out an endless amount of paperwork, making appointments, emails, phone calls.... and I'm not the least bit terrified.  I'm nervous, seeing as I have never lived anywhere but here.  I'm nervous because I've never left anyone behind. But financially, spiritually, mentally.... I'm like, Let's Do This!!  No more fear.  No more shock from people when I say I'm going to be a missionary.  I'm going into this more confident than ever. And it's because I said yes.  God makes a way when you are open to His plans, when you are willing to go out on a limb with Him.  So I'm on this limb and I'm jumping with Him.  And I can't wait.

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