Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Insert foot in mouth.
And go to bed earlier. I'm so tempted to delete my last post but I want to share a God moment from this morning.
Devotions: What you speak over your life will happen. So... Speak, "I can't do it," and you won't be able to. Speak, "I can't God can." Yes. God will. Speak, "I am going to have a terrible day." And you will have a terrible day. Speak, "I will have a good day." Guess what? You will.
It's all about your perception. So yes, my perception is skewed. Yes, the facts are still the same, but how I approach the facts (my perception) creates one seriously skewed reality.
I won't always see the truth because, as a human, I have that tendency. But I need to try harder to see the good. I'm worn out, torn down, and exhausted. But God can restore all of it in me. Strength. Love. Peace. He has a peace that surpasses all understanding. Lean on that and I will be okay. He will overcome this for me. I just have to believe it.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

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