Wednesday, October 10, 2012

People Can Be So Mean

It's really hard to be yourself when people are so mean. It's a harsh reality, especially when they're supposed to be your friends, but really.. It shouldn't be tolerated. I try and be myself. I try and be the best person I can be... And people laugh and roll their eyes. So what if I mention that we need to be responsible? So what if I ask if someone is okay? Caring about my friend is so much more important than your stupid Facebook. Ignore me. Laugh at me all you want but this is who I am. Myself. Teresa. Me. Take it or leave it. If you laugh at me I won't accept that. I'm standing up for myself right now. I'm "okay" when I'm not talking non stop. I'm "okay" if I don't have a crazy reaction like you expected. I'm not okay when you laugh at who I am. I'm not okay when you roll your eyes when I'm trying to say something. Let me be. Pick on someone else because you're going to be seeing me from now on. Not who you thought I was. If you don't like it.... Take it up with God and walk away. Because I will no longer let you cut me down. Be my friend or be my enemy. I'll love you either way, but I won't let you love me back just to hurt me later. I don't care what you pick, because if you can't decide now then clearly we weren't friends in the first place. I'm happy with being myself. I'm happy with my friends that I have and my family. I could care less. But treat me like a human. Not your door mat.

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