Monday, June 18, 2012

"Holy Tao!"

Addie likes to say "Holy Tao" instead of cow.. And pretty much that's what I am saying. I have never had life be SO crazy as it has been this last month.

Let's see what I have done (in a somewhat chronological order)

• Moved. In love with my new home and LOVING the Schmidt family. Ari calls me "the big sister" at least once a day and Addie loves to hang in my room with me. I get tons of time with Misty and I like to to rib Steven a little :) so happy here.

• "New" job. I'm babysitting again! I've missed my kids!! They're all old and talking. Sassy. Smart. Singing. Dancing. Practically adults. With more poopy diapers and crying. I know it doesn't pay as well as another job but I wouldn't trade it. I have had Kate and Dylan Monday- Thursday and starting this week I will have Brooke and Emily again on Thursdays. So excited :)

• BABY. My baby sister had a baby.... Okay so she is almost 20, not a baby, but still. I am in love. Sophia Anne Evagene Repair. She took my middle name as well as my Hawaiian grandmother's first name (Evagene). I cried the day my sister told me. I call her So So. So. Phi Anne. Soph. Phia. Bopper Boo. Etc. she was born on June 1, 2012 at 9:11 pm. 6lbs 12oz. 20inches long. I help my sister 4-5 days a week and I love it! She's been to church with me twice since she was born (18 days ago) and I am so excited for her to grow up at Faith Center :)

• My Mother. Yeah she came for a visit. With her fiancĂ©e. Awkward. It wasn't as terrible as I thought, but emotionally it tore me apart. Pretty much spent the entire week with her (because the baby came when she did) and with my family. It helped build my relationships with my sisters, especially with my little sister, but there were definitely emotional consequences to this visit.

• Mexico. Okay, so I haven't gone yet, but I'm leaving in 16 days. 4th of July. I'm more afraid of this than anything I have ever done in my entire life. But it will be okay... I hope. I know I am supposed to go on this trip... God has made that quite clear, but it doesn't erase my fears. Prayer is requested before and during this trip. July 4-14!!

• Kids camp. Again, haven't gone. But I am for the first time ever. July 30- August 3. I'm excited but I again really would like prayer.

• Summer. I haven't had a lot of summer experiences besides last weekend at the lake but I know how crazy July will be. I'm working Monday-Friday this week 8-9ish hour days plus uturn, a hopefully very progressive orthodontist appointment, CPR recertification, Wednesday night family dinners, and this week spoiling the boy. Each week entails different after work activities... Most of the time with my sister. We've been growing closer and it's amazing! Not to mention that my oldest sister (Vivian's mom) is officially back at church with my other niece. Mini family at church. I cry thinking about it. I've spent a lot of time with my best friend Amy and her sister, Tia, just got to Hawaii after being in Africa for 6 months on a missions study. I can't wait to have my girl back next month!! I've missed having my practically other sister around. So much happening. New friend(s). Carina is kind of hysterical and it scares the crap out of Cameron (one of my best friends and brother of Carina) how well we get along. It's great.

• Year one. Done.
More about that later.

I'm heading to bed.

Here's my So So. Amy Strombeck photography :)

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