Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Third post in an hour.  Yeah, I have a little free time.  I might even have one more coming.
I just wanted to write out a few things that are happening for me in 2012, not that I know there is a lot but I have some life changing events coming up.

1. Host Family!!!  It's official, and I move in around a week and a half from now.  It's 30 minutes from Eureka and the first time I have ever moved out, so pray for me :) I won't be on my own, but I've never left "home" (same house for almost 21 years!)
2. The birth of my niece/nephew (don't know gender) and so far names are Julian Robert (after my daddy) or Hannah Evagene (after my grandmother)
3. Less than a week after that I will be moving up to Seattle for 2.5 months.  It isn't a sure thing of course, but I have been called there over and over again and it was confirmed a couple months back (yeah, months!) It is an internship in Seattle, WA at Eastside Foursquare Church. Matt and Heidi's old church.  I find out Mid-March (around the birth of miss Summer) whether or not I make it in. I'm still in prayer about this, but I have never been more sure (at least about applying and going [who knows if I make it in]) about anything before.
4. Family dinners.  This isn't new for me, having family dinners once a week with my neighbors, but as time has gone on they have become more and more important to my life. ( basically lived with them from age 12-16/17)  I stayed at their house Christmas eve and had Christmas with them that night, and I spent new years with them.  The parents call me their "almost daughter" and the kids (11, girl, 9, boy) are like my siblings.  My time with them is going to be very important this year.

Well... I thought I had more, but it seems I have forgotten.
I was thinking about maybe posting a blog each month about one year ago (one year ago, January, for this month) Yes? No?  Tell me what you think :)

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